Monday, October 20, 2008

counter a jammed brain

hello korunk.....
maaf sbb lme gak xupdate blog......
byk dugaan yg mnimpe driku sampai jd jammed...

bday ila!....hepi burday kwn ku!!
ari tu mmg cerah...cume ptg mendung la tp sempat mraikn burday ea adek kteorg! ila! hahaha (sb bru 18 kteorg da 19above) swonok mgenekn ila d ary burday aku xjoin cume nengok jer.. sb pkai bju rye xnk kotorkn bju bru hahhaha...mse tuh kome d geng sume ade....(ila,kak aini,mal,carul n me)....pas harum cume ila je x....hehehhe kteorg g lg bsuke ria d mines! wah! kteorg photoshoot dlm hepy box?! sume pose tp cm xtentu arah sb bru 1st blank...kuang3 tp bes! pas abeh sume g mkn kt ampang...sempat la beli cd cite....

16/10/08 -----> pkul 12 mlm....
on the way blk cyber...wah nk test pg sok bole blk lewat plak esh2...well da smpai gate hstel cari purse n omg!!!!!! help!!! purse ilang...! shit! sume da panic...nk ngis tp tahan je...dunno wat 2 do....then ila swuh g wat report student kad ilang dlu coz nti nk exam kn...pastu blk cyberia mal gan carul g cri blk kt ampng naek moto....blk tuh study jap...pastu nangis jap...pastu ttdo jap...pastu bgn study blk...then blank....owh! how disaster! xtau la pe yg bce msok x....time exam men jwb jer xtau la pe akan tjadi....nape la everyting nk jd mse nk exam ades! xphm!

Within dis week...
pas exam over wat i'm doing is cry,cry,cry.....waa..sdayh sgt! 3times already....nape la trase dri malang bf cume tenteram kn my emotion tp xleyh....yela terpk parents...xmau susa kn dierg ++ money...i no if telling them about it,it would be so,so la kn n ....but xnk! dissapointed them already! ckuplah...let me responsible wat hve done..well at least my frenz all there for me thanks u guys...appreciate it! tq! to my b....tq for being my side n helping with the money! walau trase berat nk accept d money from u...serius susa ati coz byk susa kn korunk sume....

alot problem counter in me after dat.....wit my mum.....about mylife.....about the dompet thing....membe thing....owh serius hell! kalo bole suicide da lme wat! hahaha.....well life jd xbpe ok but now i'm ok slightly a bit...but my head started spinning again n thinking again...larh y ek my brain like to thinkin about how he will settle my dompet thing, riso +++++++ n when it will be all settle?? who knew-----> like pink said

last but not least....
thanks again ea korunk dr segi duet or things....(b,carul,ila,akak,tqa,kak ika)
hurm...i must be extreamelly rather carefull next times cm ila ckp gantung dmpet kt leher..
hahahaha...will i will think of dat....! kuang3


  1. iLLa LabeLLa said...
    Firstly thx coz buat aku heppi as birthday gurl deserve! hehee... secondly, aku tlg maner yg mampu jer..
    Thirdly, be careful next time!
    lastly, u shud take action from what i'm suggest! ;)

    hahahhaa...sayang kamo!
    nurainimg said...
    saba okeyh my gelfren cayunk!!
    sume tuh ujian..
    saba banyakk..
    yang pentinh kite hepy jepp!!ahaks..

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