Sunday, December 25, 2011

woah lame da xjenguk blog...
i'm back with healthy person...
its going to be end of year 2011....
hmm too much bitterness in dis year....
well dats life is right?

work.....? ok!
gladly dpt keje...finally yeay!!
after all hard work of job hunting...fuhh~
guess wat amek majoring laen tp keje as animator...yep!
dlu nk major animation tp not so lucky....try digital!
laz2 dpt keje balek ke animation field....ohohoho~
i'm i lucky or wat?? *nk sumthing else grphic ke product ke cewah....
tp ok laa dis work...juz penat sgt2!!
kdg dlm aty n otak neyh trase "i'm not going to work as animation anymore, surrender"
btul x tipo ok...stress sb lot of work as i'm handling sorg plak tuh...
mak aih cmpur nk kne wat game design lg....uish mau xhuru hare otak...
tgn pon asek crame jerh pegang wicom bamboo...
so xpe amek experience so pas neyh nk try keje dlm grphic lak ke app ke...
amek ilmu byk2 den bru leyh bkk studio sndri...amboih beso kn impian! hahaha
skrg i'm officially 2D flash artist/illustrator position....
tmbh terer kowt in flash..hehehe

hmm dlm planning n still pending...
ingt nk asah skill neyh more pro...
nk amek part tyme/short course blajo 3D animation/ 2D illustrator....
yep sume pakai duet...tak sah kalo xgune duet....
mission: kumpul2 duet...

life now...hepi jgk xtaw la smpai bile kn....hmm
walau penat it still make me feel worth it...
i'm waiting for few years change dis life more better...

rakan2 dikasihi...
sorry if xdpt jmpe or spend tyme togetha :(
yela bz skit plus ak abeh keje pkul 7 korung pkul 6....*jelez
aaahh...still not agree of abeh keje pkul 7 nk wat cmner...
its d company rules n working hours kn....
xpe nty kite g dinner same2 ok!
upss tp kne la booking ak dlu hehehe...
since ak byk planning neyh muhahaha.....
ehem illa pon asek bz mrayap sane sni jeh ak taw tuh hehehhee....
bile ko nk masak sdp2 pggil ak dtg...?
leyh ak dinner umah ko kn..da kenyang balek la :P hahaha

family going to move out soon....
sdayh nk tggalkan btho neyh...
tp apekah daye since lot of prob in financial...
jauh sikit la dr slago kn....
xpe nty korunk2 leyh dtg umah ak gak kn msing2 kete kn ade hehe...
hmm so plan nk beli viva so jimat sikit g keje ulang alik....
xpe la jauh pon kne gak tempuhi...dugaan...
hrp nk cri la kje dkt2 sikit kt cyber ke?
sabo2....wait for a year ok!

ok la c me other next post...bye~