Thursday, August 21, 2008
well i hve a story that sickin me off!!! its about a guy... 'A' his name (sorie lorh i can't tell who) huhuhu.....
well,he said dat he's my friend...hello friends?? i hardly not know him ++ i never been his long term friend or wat so ever we juz new friends....he's so sickin...huh! so arrogant! It begin like this....he hve an assgnment which he hve to create a website.. due date is Friday ...he ask for my help then i said lah~ its not free must pay....he wanna paid rm50...what the hack! hello making website ok! n juz imagine all together hve 7 link....So many! using photoshop somemore...even my website doesnt look good enough! then i ask he to paid more than rm50 then he said ok...
i've been doin his assgnment whole nite...i hve to fin in 1 night..i design his website using photoshop ok! untill about 3 o'clock its only 90% done so i ask my friend to help me out! ofcourse i will share the money with my friend as i needed her help...coz we both got klas at 9 o'clock in the morning n yet still not sleeping....Lastly the website hve been complete...i only sleep 2hours....shit!!
i've go late to klas today...then after com.modelling that guy called me...i ask him for rm150....he said i'm too much...he can't afford,he said "come on lar! i'm still college student".. (college student who can't do his work)....heh the funny thing this weekend still can go to club and pavillion...bole plak afford!...then ok la i said rm100...he still not agree...u know wat he said its too easy to make a website..! design is simple! if easy y not u do it urself! he said he got a cousin from Sgpore who can help him (but unffortunately can't)...
laz he siad ok la...then he force me to send at his email...dis afternoon...crazy!!! i got klas!!! n u noe wat he said its not his problem....laz2 consideration ok lar 6.30 send the matter wat...ok fine! then after human factor break he called again n said sorie...he cancelled to take the website i've done...! WTF!!! im so sleepy today can't open my eyes untill i hve to draw in klas to stay up! watever gudluck making it by urself!! hah! hate this guy!
lastly someone (sound) him for me! hahahahhaha TQ !!! luv ya !!!! hah!! to dat berlagak guy stop! being my friend n u not my friend!
hee~~~ so dramatic kuang3! well sumtimes i wanna na be evil!! hahahah!!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
erm...upss sowie agk moody...
tp still leyh tulis blog...pelik kn...
amaran: mungkin emosi skit kali neyh...huhu
well gado gan si die...sowie cuz myself ade slh gak...juz unheppy too see if u hve a sore faces...dun like it....dats y kt leisure pon bole kebaboom!!
xtau da nk pk per.....otak saket,jiwe keliru...eyh cm terbalik jer ayat neyh..hahaha then da xmcm org da...huhu tp still xcrazy k...! xsehat sgt perot start wat hal dah! xtau r lapa ker or sumtin tp pedih...mate pon cm best jeh bole jd gothic neyh..hehe (berangan nk jd goth dlu)
sok anje(sis) mau dtg sleepover...yes! i luv her so much3!!! she's my everything,my precious!! ++ bole bodek dier dlm money pocket kuang3!! nk bwk dier kuar still in plan...hehe +nk swuh dier wat my work huhu...bguih gak ade maid eyh2 silap ader dier...jgn mara...
hurm ila da tdo....sowie ila kalo dgr pape yg xpatut....haish xd tmpt private bole kebaboom pon...dun no how to be a nice gf anymore actually sowie...blur da...nk jd untalkative xbole cuz my life msty ader story kalo x i will be bored...i think i must hve my life back then...
missed my mum...she's my storytellin but kdg2 ade bab yg i dun like it larh...hehe missed my aunt cuz da lme xkne pampered n shoppin!! to my adek2 missed their attitude! to my papa missed his gud mood with joke...waa~~ bile la nk balik umah?? xtau larh....ade 1 thing i request kt mama nti nk peach pie lar~ huhu tu pon kalo die xbz....maklum lar my mom bz with her bisness kueh raye!! hey guys nk kueh rye bile my mum's pnyer k!
nme product : NJ'S
outlet: giant
*hehe tgh promote! sape yg xrjin wat kueh rye beli la mama i pnyer k....jgn segan!
k tu je kowt....doodles!
Friday, August 15, 2008
halu...well i'm back...hahaha...
well today is my disaster day! i juz came back from outing hee~
again i hate hate hate jam!! it make me headache! but it bcuz of my best buddies sake i'm willing to redah je~! as wat he says! hahahaha....
many places we hve redah~ huhu...1st USJ, then kelana jaya,sg buloh,damansara....juz for one shop SINGER! urgh!!! well carul ned to go there cian plak da lme mntk nk g last! smpai gak!! yahuu!! erm then go to ampg fetchin someone then go 2 leisure eat~ carul blnjer secret recepi wah!!! pe lg....mkn sdp la jwb nyer hehehehe.....pastu mau nengok citer yg nk tgk xd...apelah~ so frustrated! but someone wat hal (not telling who) mood bcome unstable...hahaha xske nyeh >_< hurm....slalu belaku begini ble lar nk hepi~~~~
send home planning go n hangout with my ex as it hve been long time we not see each other...well tggu cam pe tah...then tbe2 muncul kt tepi....pelah suspen jeh....folo them drink at ampg jaya kowt??? blkg hspital ampg ade n carul like crazy doing our stupid joke talkin...he so different since back of the time...lookin more better think?? hahahha then wanna go bangsar but xtau me who got to show them the road...but as u noe i drive they as the follower can't catch up then they lost my track...kuang3! i feel bad...! reminder: i can't be the shower bcuz once i did the follower will be lost....haish..
then we decide to blah like dat hehe balik anta carul cuz dier nk test....well sblom tu msty la gtau dierg dlu we going back to putrajya...still not heard anything from them since i hve arrived home...hurm....fell guilty pon ader...but at the same time i think i can't continue driving i'm tired + anta carul sume then singgah kdai beli food~ lapa lg~ aku xkenyang2 lar nk wat cmner....xpe yg food2 tu wat stock jeh...
i hve express my tah la...still moody xilang...still don't noe wat i want hiash! its hard hee~~
laz word is gud to be true but is a lie..i noe la ---> to someone close
yg len jgn trase lak.....hehehe
dats all folks...see later!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
slmat kembali! hahaha
korunk nk tau citer ary neyh! meh2 bce......
waa~ ary neyh i'm so so so freakin exhausted...yela ne x nyer kne drive g umah kwn aku kakak dier kawin kt cherus...dkt jer dr umah aku yg ori da bole nmpk umah dieh kakak dier kawin aku lak yg sibok dtg....kuang3....sbnarnyer bukan nk tgk kakak dier bsanding tp nk jmpe membe yg xsngke illa bria2 nk g wed tu!! hahahaha....
mulalah journey to the center of the earth aku (cm kat wayang) 1st as usual lah...kne amek carul dlu....upss sblom tu actually ary jumaat pg tu ptt nyer kne g damansara tmn carul maklumlah da 2 kali tergendale nk g office singer,loan...hahhaha...ingt nk g ary neyh tp malang...xksampaian da 3 kali da xjd xnyer.... asek rayap jeh la ila n carul neyh hehhehe...aku xtau aku driver jer...kuang3....
then g amek mal(pompuan) kt setapak...pela info slh mati2 aku ingt UTM ader kolej bru...asl la dier xsebot jeh UTM jln Semarak xd la susah2 aku redah sane sni smpai sesat nk cri UTM setapak smpai kedit carul pon tggl 20sen....hehehe aku xtau lak UTM tu pggl setapak coz geng2 aku len sebot UTM jln semarak jela yg aku tau...tah pe aku merepek neyh...wat2 phm jela bg yg xphm....uish tau x jln jam gler!!! aku hmpir mati kpnsan (hmpir je ok!) same as ila n carul...waah~~ jln kt MMR2 mmg disaster kalo wktu tghary ++ ary weekend...sabo jela..cair make up!
laz2 dpt lah fetch mal gak.....then trus g wed kt cherus~ tp malang aku slh jln lg....hahahha....mal da bsing2 aku ikowt jln payah...aku ckp la jln neyh aku tau coz da silapkn so kne la cover2.. hehehe ps://(wat korunk aku smpai gak destinasi kter ok!) hahhaaha! da smpai wah park kete agak la jauh...mal lah neyh! hish! laz2 dtg2 jmpe la ety ksygn aku! kwn ku! bkn tgk pengantin dlu masyallah pela nk jd gan kte! huhuhu....then twus mkn...yea kteorg mmg kuat mkn...mkn lah nsi berani..lauk sdp gak cume xleyh bungkus bwk blk jeh....pastu shoot sne sni...tgh2 mkn leyh lak ety ckp yg die bwk blk ikan keli...emh bkn nk bg kteorg wat lauk hahhaha...lpe nk gtau, ila gan mal ary neyh serbe pink korunk tau...asek pink yg paling hebat! aku rse kte xsalam pon gan pengantin! aku rse la,slh tlg gtau yea...hee~~
hurm...pastu kteorg pon balik ade la souvenir...then blk g petrol station change trend then go out to mines! 1st baek nyeh prancangan nk men bowlin n tgk movie laz2 sume xd mkn jeh...ponet den drive! hee~~ pastu aku blank jap....pale aku saket actually~ sowie ila pas mkn td kt mines pon aku saket pale lg xbyk skit jeh...aku xnk riso kn korunk....laz2 end up kt umah cyberia tido...carul asek bebel jeh...haish aku perlu rest kowt..kalo x mmg aku xbmaye la mlm neyh...tup tup next kteorg g plak alamanda nk tgk movie tp penoh pe lah...then xd plan laz2 ila ckp jum g karoake! pe lg as usual melalak mlm2 bute lah..2 lak kje kteorg skrg neyh...test vocal kowt leyh jd next g alamanda ila drive blk carul drive then blk cyber ila drive...aku xnk!! xbdaye da! trase tue lak!
emh abeh sume2 anta carul blk...guest wt carul ajk tmn g dmansra lg skali yg 3rd...hehhe aku xtau la jd ke x lg yg neyh...slalu jeh tergendale (sbnarnyer tido yg lbih hehehe).....ok da ssmpai nyer cyberia pe lg exhausted!!!!!! kaki ku da xmcm kaki da...saket2 mule dtg menyelubungi ku...waah~ dri pon trse busuk! smpai sni la korunk..i need to refresh myself...
Friday, August 8, 2008
waah~ neyh 1st time wat blog neyh! Slalu ku bace teman2ku nyer blog tp aku tiada blog...cian nyer :(
huhu well aku sjer nk try2 ner tau kowt2 bole jd sbagai tmn mse ku buhsan nti...
tp byk r citer dolu2 da i need to tell it all??? hahaha i refused it....
ok2 citer psl smlm2(rbu) lah....mmg best! cm illa ckp 'best!!!' ....pd suatu pg yg indah sdg sdp tido tbe2 bunyi ring!! emh sape lg kalo bukan kwn baekk ku tmn ku carul! n bf ku! xabeh2 calling swuh bgun coz da jnji nk kuar...yelah photoshoot.....ptt nyer pkul 8 pg but as usuall me always sleepy doopey so terlbh la pkul 11 hahhaa....laz2 ila ckp bgun kne g skrg....tpkse bgun n bsiap2...yeah n hp byk msg msok coz sume model2 da xlarat nk tnggu...haish dierg neyh...
aku kne jln g amek kete..jauh tu...sblom2 kne ikowt ila...nk tau bace la blog ila yea...tick tock tick tock slmt smpai HB1....then start lah enjin kete n twus btolak....sowie wat syafiq aku mmg drive laju...xterkejar di wat nyeh kete kedua 2...hehe upss (aku kete 1)....then g lah bangi,cheras,ampang.....laz2 smpai gak destinasi kteorg....adeh...aku xd la reti sgt nk susun2 model2 lg gune kn facilities yg ade carul! n bf aku! hahahha...cian dierg....
aku shoot jeh...kuang3...xtau la pe jd kn....emh pastu bape minit mulalah model2 merungut lapa....haish mkn pk 1 tempat utk mkn coz ila ade amek mknn fwee....hehehe..pastu drive kuar....yarabbi jln jam yya amat2!...kaki da start saket2 neyh...tpkse wat drift jln jam tuh...leh plak aku drift kuar ke jln bertentangan utk elak jam! ish2 jgn wat seperti aku wt yea...dangerous! BUT I'M SMOOTH CRIMINAL! HAHAHAHA
hah...aku drive kuar dr KL...xnk da msok KL...xpsl2 kaki aku condemt rncg g Tasek permaisuri....sblom tu benti kat BHP pe lg borong pe yg ade....da smpai ke destinasi kteorg utk mkn...Tmn Tasek Permaisuri....malangyer xbwk tikar...kalo xmmg picnic nmenyer...da duduk then ageh2 mknn pastu bru sesuap due tbe2 ila lesap! ila pengsan! nsib bf aku ade die tlg angkt ila...kalo aku sorg mmg xlarat r...aku lak kaki ku jd tmpt penyandar ila...bygkn tgn kteorg pnoh gan lauk lg leyh tlg ila hahhaha ila~ ila~ tu la sape swuh xmkn....haish bdak neyh~ bkn setakat ske pink jeh + lg 1 dier mmg degil~ hehehe muke 2 da darah n bengkak riso gak takowt pape jd ..ade plak mkcik sorg neyh sengal!! cm sial jeh ade ke ptt org pengsan die tnyer 'korunk dr mner neyh??!' 'org pgsan bkn wat cmtu lah!' ade ke ptt die marah kteorg die bkn tau nk tlg juz tau nk bising2 n berdiri kt ujung sane..hmm rakyat malaysia mmg prihatin! bak kate carul...hahhaha...ila da leyh bgn so we all swuh die dok dlm kete while we eat lapa~~....
Seterusnye,leyh lak smbung kt mcD...due org model pompuan neyh xbole nk mkn nasi...nk yg high class mcD...korunk mcD mhal kn!! ila pon mkn gak coz die kne die xmkn...laz2 leyh lak kteorg sume wat lawak kt mcD..wah~cergas2 sume....then abeh tu trus anta hafiz blk n due org model blk gak...n kteorg end up kt alamanda karoake!! yeah!! tp aku cian kt ila...tgh saket! n yg pnting die xdpt join aku mmg ske kaco wat rosak lagu org len...carul n shafiq da ske ria haish pening aku...laz3 anta ilang hspital....bape jam ek kne tggu?? aku pon xingt coz da xlarat...aku stay dlm kete n take a aku xleyh nk bape nap...nyamuk geget2 aku byk bintik2 da tgn2 aku...skrg pon still ader...ish nyesal lak smlm xbwk sweater...siap ujan tggu ila....jln jam lg pg esok nyer...uish mmg xgerak2...nsib ikowt shortcut! pastu aku anta carul blk n bf aku tp aku tpkse rest jap kt umah dieh coz kaki aku saket sgt2~ n ila pon ade gak...cian kat dier ngantok...
pas resting~ aku n ila pon blk yea...uish pnt +++ ujan! wah~ mmg best!! sbnrnyer disaster gak coz sluar sume bsh2 T-T well nk wat cmner blk mandy sume then trus landing on time!! wahaha kn aku da ckp i'm sleeping person <---- yea kowt.....aku cmneyh la mlm jg siang tdo hahhaha.....kaki ku mmg saket ary neyh xbaek lg....bygknlah dlm smggu neyh aku drive jeh!!! waah starting cuti tu saturday,monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday! n esok saturday 9/8/2008 wed kakak ety...! dier swuh dtg...n ila plak mmg nk g...carul lak swuh bwk dier g damansara pastu ikowt gak g wed..mal (pompuan) pon swuh amek dier kat kolej dier coz nk g wed tu gak so mmg kne g lah...adeh~~ korunk pas neyh kne cian kat aku tau..poket da kering neyh...hahaha neyh yg aku rse nk pau duet bf aku lol...hahaha
haish pjg sbnrnyer citer neyh....mmg xabeh tu pon aku da cut short2 huhuhu....tu la aku mmg byk citer...dr yg pendek hingge pjg...sume tau..kikiki...bwh neyh pic kteorg tp xsume ade.....
yg dpn blah kiri hafiz yg sblah nyer pinky tu aisyah yg blkg black white nara yg sblh black red carul! yg tiade aku,ila,capix n bf ku (rahsie)...hahahaa