Wednesday, May 11, 2011

slmt kembali....
bbulan xtgk n update blog neyh....
yelah sibok mhadapi mse2 genting....

well....byk nk kne wat sem neyh...
da la short sem....
subject fyp lak kn....
walau 1 je subject tp ckup wat dri sume org huru-hare...
sape yg xnanges wat fyp neyh...(slh sorg nyeh ak)
ok la critique2 bjaye jgk siapkn n present....
nape pggil critique?? emm ak pon xtaw tp 4 sure utk assessment kteorg lah...

kali neyh bbrape org je akn tplih msok playground v5.
ok bunyi mcm tmpt maen knk2 je kn...
haha tp sbnrnyeh nme exhibition kteorg....
installation yg telah dbuat akan dmaen,demo oleh audience2 yg dtg...
hmm dri neyh nk sgt tplih msok exhibition....
tp....i'm not lucky enuff...sdayh jgk + tgk kwn2 yg dpt tp xpela i had do my best....
walau installation xpower hrp2 still dpt markah tggi...
xnk pointer jtuh plz......

ouh mesty korunk tnyer2 ak wat pe kn...
installation on interactive graphic story...
ok visual sume bgus da tp sb interactivity kurang...
animation emm so-so la sb i'm not FA....
yela ak kn suke lukis2 neyh...
mgkin sb tlalu focus on visual since ia nyeh content ak tlupe yg interactivity nye...
i noe i can do more better tp......~~~~~

mase lah maen pranan...
mse nk present lah bru nk siap content...
n xdpt pon project on my ideation platform...hampe jgk haih...
yela projector xd...lec ckp sb xsempat kalo nk psg projector... ak sng je amek projector psg n on kn??
tp tuh lah lec swuh xpyh projector tnjuk screen jeh...
folo jela since ak blurr n zzzZZ...
org laen project sume kt wall ak ney gatal skit nk laen dr laen...
konon2 project from top-bottom ala2 floor projection...
haa amek xleyh test,ukur,demo....mmg laz2 xgune projector lngsung...
ok installation kire unsuccessfully jgk walau keje siap...
overall ak puas aty jgk la sb dpt siapkn visual 10page each n xmiss out present....
ok la tu kn....?

aaa...nk ucapkn ribuan thanks kt mama,papa :D
mierul walau u suke wat i tmbh stress n triple nanges sb fyp.............
tq sb sggup tmn n tlg till end of my fyp....even u missed classes 4 me...(bslh rse)
xd org leyh wt n sggup cmtuh except u.....luv u much...*cuddle mcm Tbear
i heard u xtdo 3 ary da neyh...siapkn tons of assigmnt n presentation...
aaa cian nye....ok2 my turn 2 help u now...
tp biler nk tlg u ckp da siapkn da assgmnt...
aaaaA speechless....xpela i watch dwnloaded muvee hahahhaha!!

ummm....ok lps neyh byk kne wat...
pindah kuar...(xsuke nyeh) sb byk habuk n brg~
n hala tuju pon ak xsure...master? keje? when? where?
otak neyh xtaw pe die pk...
i noe soon da kne decide...
haa blk umah konfirm pressure jgk...
mama bebel2, push2 me mcm biase...
Aaaa...nk vacation xkire! lps tuh bru decide bole????
lucky mierul dpt call from msc n mdec...! go 4 it~! cpt abeh kn blaja tuh k....

byk sgt ak tulis kang buhsan lak bce kn...

p/s: homedec 2011 best (nk jgk tulis hehe)..umah da jd aquarium ikan..coming soon nk rabbit..


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